The Bolivia UNICEF office and the Bolivian Vice-Secretary of Citizen Security posted a public invitation to carry out a consultancy with the purpose of creating an “Integral and intersectional model for prevention and attention for children and adolescents on the streets.” This measure has come about by a request from NGO networks that work with children on the streets that have identified times when there has been a lack of public policies that will guarantee appropriate attention for the kids. With this consulting project, the idea is to answer this need by generating public policies focused on Human Rights, establishing coordinating mechanisms between the different actions of the State and civil society organizations.
Kaya Children International, along with the CDEA, was given the consultancy. The first phase has two steps: firstly to co-construct a model with all of the actors, from four regions in the country, that intervene in serving children and adolescents in the street, secondly the implementation of the model in one or two regions. As an institution, we will achieve political and public impact, as well as having up to date information that will benefit the way we carry out our own programs, continuing with the objectives set out in our strategic plan.
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