We hope you are...because the second annual Kaya Challenge begins today!
This time leading up to Thanksgiving is a natural time for gratitude and generosity, and the Kaya Challenge offers an opportunity for increased generosity and gratitude in a fun and creative way. The Kaya Challenge is for you, as a friend of Kaya, to spend time reaching out to your personal networks to share about the good work that Kaya is doing and to help us raise funds and friends. Whether you are a longtime friend to Kaya or just someone with a healthy competitive streak, we've made it very easy and fun to take the Challenge. Just follow the three simple steps below:
- Set a goal: You can raise funds individually or on a team of friends and/or coworkers! Set a financial goal. Any amount is a great help, but here are some numbers to get you thinking: $500 will pay a teacher's salary for a month; $1000 will pay a house parent's salary for 2 months; and $5000 will cover the annual school fees for 40 children.
- Create a personal online fundraising page: Go to https://kaya.myetap.org/fundraiser/KayaChallenge/.
- Spread the word: Tell your friends and family that you are taking the Kaya Challenge to help raise money for street children in Bolivia. Share stories that explain why you are supporting Kaya and what the work that Kaya does mean to you. Email, update your Facebook, Twitter or even try good old-fashioned phone calls. Small donations add up quickly and make a big impact!
Ready? Get set. Go!
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