Gabi is 11 years old and has been a member of the Kaya Center for over 2 years. When she first joined, she did not attend school and was not really interested. She worried intensely over her mother and wanted to continue working to help her financially. After much work with both Gabriela and her mother, Gabi is now doing well in the 5th grade and her mother is receiving support through the Warmi Kaya program. Gabi, like so many young girls, loves to play with her friends and can often be found running from one place to another giggling like crazy.
These are her reflections on Kaya.
Oh Kaya! Siempre tan linda,
con sus flores adornando su espléndido jardín,
siempre ayudando a los niños que más lo necesitan,
tan noble el corazón de Kaya.
Las tutoras ayudando a que mejoren,
la directora controlando que est,én en paz y armonía con su inmenso corazón,
la Karina, Carlita, Guisela, Sandrita, la profe Zare, Anahí, Lorena, Marith, el profe Erick, Juanca, Norman todos los de Kaya son un futuro para nuestra querida Bolivia.
Oh Kaya! Always so beautiful,
with flowers adorning your splendid garden,
always helping the children who need it most,
so noble is the heart of Kaya.
The teachers helping us to improve,
the director who keeps everything in peace and harmony with her immense heart,
Karina, Carlita, Guisela, Sandrita, Zare, Anahí, Lorena, Marith, Erick, Juanca, Norman
all of those at Kaya are the future for our beloved Bolivia.
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