Written by Paula Vargas, the Field Director, and translated by Stephanie Kuei, the Communications Officer.
Christmas at Kaya Children was a month-long period of preparation and celebration. The children at Kaya began the month of December with reflections and devotions in the homes. The staff, too, went on a staff retreat led by the new Field Director, Paula Vargas, and were able to reflect on the past year, renew their commitment to Kaya Children, and prepare for the upcoming year.
On Friday, December 17, the children went to the Iglesia del Evangelio Total (Full Gospel Church), where they heard a moving message and took part in a nativity play.

There was also a Christmas choir which delighted everyone with their Christmas carols, accompanied by flutes and guitars.

To conclude the celebration, the children decorated a white Christmas tree with homemade ornaments. There
was also a time of sharing where the children were able to give thanks for the blessings they experienced during the year.
On Christmas Eve, a special dinner was prepared in each of the homes and gifts were exchanged. Everyone had a very fun time!